Educational Visits
Off-site educational visits provide children with enriched learning experiences and add value and purpose to learning. Visits are arranged by the class teacher and are usually related to a current area of study. Your written permission is required for your child to be included in an outing. You will be advised of the cost of the outing and asked to send a voluntary contribution towards that cost. Each outing has the proviso that it only goes ahead if a certain number of voluntary contributions are received. This is in line with the Governors’ policy on charging for school visits. If you have any difficulty in making a contribution towards the cost of a visit, then please let us know so that we can try to help. The PTA usually funds the cost of transport up to a certain amount, and we only use coaches with fitted seat belts. Increasingly, for educational visits and attendance at local sporting events, we are making good use of the school minibus.
Parent helpers are usually required to provide support during such outings but must be police checked. If you think you could accompany children on a regular basis to support the school, please ask the school office in the first instance to see if it necessary and appropriate to begin the ‘Disclosure and Barring Service’ (DBS).