On entry into Hayfield School, each child in the Reception class is assessed using an Reception Baseline Assessment (this is statutory from September 2021). The results of these are used with broader, ongoing assessments by teaching staff to plan appropriate learning experiences and set individual targets. The outcome of these assessments will form the baseline from which progress is measured as children move through the school, ending in year 6.
Throughout a child’s time in our school, their learning is being assessed on a daily basis. This informs planning and teaching, and picks up any additional needs or gaps in learning. We hold regular pupil progress meetings, where we track underachievement so that appropriate intervention can be put into place to enable all children to reach their potential. Ongoing assessment and termly assessment tests are used to make a judgement at the end of the year about whether each child had reached age-related expectations, and next steps are planned for. Children are described as working below expectations, working towards, expected, or greater depth.
Children at the end of each Key Stage (Year 2 and Year 6) are more formally assessed using Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) in Reading; Writing; Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling; and Mathematics. Statutory teacher assessments also happen at the end of Reception class and, in Year 1, a phonics check is carried out individually with every child to assess their knowledge of phonics. Children who do not reach the expected standard in phonics are checked again at the end of Year 2. The results of all assessments and tests are reported annually to parents and used for diagnostic purposes so that children’s academic needs can be addressed the following year. Year 4 will be completing the new Times Table Check -this was delayed from 2020 and 2021.
We also fully appreciate every child is unique. We celebrate all their successes and skills and only ask them to try their best, developing resilience and independence to always 'have go'.